uLib  User mode C/C++ extended API library for Win32 programmers.
IniFile Member List

This is the complete list of members for IniFile, including all inherited members.

AllocBuffer(UINT Size)IniFile
DeleteSection(CSTR Section)IniFile
DeleteString(CSTR Section, CSTR KeyName)IniFile
GetBinary(CSTR Section, CSTR Key, OUT INT *pSize)IniFile
GetInt(CSTR Section, CSTR KeyName, INT Default)IniFile
GetSection(CSTR Section, OPTOUT INT *Size=NULL)IniFile
GetSectionNames(OPTOUT INT *Size=NULL)IniFile
GetString(CSTR Section, CSTR KeyName, CSTR Default, TSTR Buf, UINT BufLen)IniFile
GetString(CSTR Section, CSTR KeyName, CSTR Default, OPTOUT INT *Size=NULL)IniFile
GetStruct(CSTR Section, CSTR Key, UINT cbStruct)IniFile
IniFile(CSTR FName=NULL, UINT BufSize=4096)IniFile
operator LPCSTR()IniFileinline
operator LPSTR()IniFileinline
RestoreWndRect(HWND hWnd, CSTR Section, CSTR Key)IniFile
SaveWndRect(HWND hWnd, CSTR Section, CSTR Key)IniFile
SetFilename(CSTR FName)IniFile
WriteInt(CSTR Section, CSTR KeyName, LONG Value, BYTE Radix=10)IniFile
WriteRawSection(CSTR Section, CSTR MultiSz)IniFile
WriteSection(CSTR Section, CSTR Strings)IniFile
WriteString(CSTR Section, CSTR KeyName, CSTR Text)IniFile
WriteStringFmt(CSTR Section, CSTR KeyName, CSTR Fmt,...)IniFile
WriteStruct(CSTR Section, CSTR Key, PVOID pStruct, UINT Size)IniFile