uLib  User mode C/C++ extended API library for Win32 programmers.
Debug.h File Reference

Debug and error handling support. More...

#include <uLib/Common.h>

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Detailed Description

Debug and error handling support.

License: NNOSL Open source license (See Common.h)

Definition in file Debug.h.


#define _F(s)   _T("[") _T(__FUNCTION__) _T("] ") _T(s)
#define DP_DISABLE   -1
#define DP_ALWAYS   0
#define DP_FATAL   1
#define DP_SEVERE   2
#define DP_ERROR   3
#define DP_WARNING   4
#define DP_INFO   5
#define DP_DEBUG   6
#define DP_VERBOSE   7
#define DP_EXTREME   8
#define DP_StdFailMsg(What)   DPrint( DP_ERROR, What _T(" failed: %s\n"), SysErrorMsg() )
#define _BREAK   __asm Int 3 /* The original, circa 1996? */
#define BREAK_IF(cond)   if (cond) _BREAK
#define BREAK()
#define DBGBREAK(Msg)   OutputDebugString( Msg ); BREAK()
#define TRACE(_lvl, ...)   DPrint(_lvl,__VA_ARGS__)
#define _TRACE(_va_)   DPrint##_va_
#define TRACEX(_lvl, _fmt, ...)   DPrint(_lvl,_F(_fmt" (%s:%u)\n"),__VA_ARGS__,__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define TRACE_IF(cond, ...)   if (cond) DPrint( __VA_ARGS__ )
#define TRACEX_IF(_cond, _lvl, _fmt, ...)   if (_cond) DPrint(_lvl,_fmt" (%s:%u)\n",__VA_ARGS__,__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define ERROR_TRACE(What)   DP_StdFailMsg( What )
#define IF_DEBUG(code)   code


void __cdecl DPrint (int Level, CSTR Fmt,...)
CSTR SysErrorMsg (DWORD Err=0, TSTR Buf=NULL, UINT Length=0)
CSTR NtErrorMsg (NTSTATUS Status=0, TSTR Buf=NULL, UINT Size=0)
bool SetLastErrorFromNtStatus (NTSTATUS Status)
ACSTR GetWinMsgName (WORD msgId)
ACSTR GetExceptionName (DWORD xCode)
int SetDebugLevel (int Level)
HANDLE OpenLogFile (CSTR Name, bool Append)
CSTR DefaultLogFileName (HMODULE hModule)


CSTR dbg_Name
int dbg_Level
HANDLE dbg_LogFile
bool dbg_Flush