uLib  User mode C/C++ extended API library for Win32 programmers.
RegFunc.h File Reference
#include <uLib/Common.h>
#include <uLib/Debug.h>
#include <uLib/UtilFunc.h>
#include <uLib/StrFunc.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


#define REG_OK(rc)   (rc == NOERROR)
#define REG_ERR(rc)   (rc != NOERROR)
#define RegQueryDefaultValue(hKey, pType, pData, pSize)   RegQueryValueEx( hKey, _T(""), 0, pType, pData, pSize )
#define RegQuerySubkeys(hKey, pNrKeys, pCcKeyname)   RegQueryInfoKey( hKey, 0,0,0, pNrKeys, pCcKeyname, 0,0,0,0,0,0 )


HKEY RegCloseKeyEx (HKEY Key)
BOOL RegKeyExist (HKEY BaseKey, CSTR RegPath)
BOOL RegValueExist (HKEY hKey, CSTR Name)
LONG RegDeleteBranch (HKEY Parent, CSTR SubkeyName)
LONG _RegRenameKey (HKEY BaseKey, CSTR Subkey, CSTR NewSubkeyName)
LONG RegRenameValue (HKEY hKey, CSTR OldName, CSTR NewName)
CSTR RegSysKeyName (HKEY hkey)
CSTR RegSysKeyAcronym (HKEY hkey)
CSTR RegTypeName (DWORD type)
CSTR RegValueName (CSTR name)
LONG RegSetDWord (HKEY hKey, CSTR ValName, DWORD Val)
LONG RegGetDWord (HKEY hKey, CSTR ValName, PDWORD pVal)
LONG RegGetUInt (HKEY hKey, CSTR ValName, PUINT pVal)
LONG RegGetBool (HKEY hKey, CSTR ValName, bool *pVal)
LONG RegSetBinary (HKEY hKey, CSTR ValName, PBYTE Val, DWORD Size)
LONG RegGetBinary (HKEY hKey, CSTR ValName, PBYTE pVal, PDWORD pSize)
LONG RegSetString (HKEY hKey, CSTR ValName, CSTR Str, DWORD Type)
LONG RegGetString (HKEY hKey, CSTR ValName, TSTR Buf, PDWORD Size, PDWORD Type)
LONG SaveWindowRect (HWND hWnd, HKEY baseKey, CSTR regPath, CSTR valName)
LONG RestoreWindowRect (HWND hWnd, HKEY baseKey, CSTR regPath, CSTR valName)