uLib  User mode C/C++ extended API library for Win32 programmers.
File/Directory Hierarchial Lists

Module Description

Fast and flexible list-of-lists directory trees.
#include <uLib/FileDir.h>

Although DirEntry and FileEntry started off as a fairly simple
directory hierarchy, they have now evolved into a very flexible, fast,
and easy to use hierarchial list-of-lists directory structure
that supports per-thread current directory for concurrent scans.
The primary API is the static DirEntry::ScanDir().


class  FileEntry
struct  ScanDirCtx
class  DirEntry


#define SCF_FILES   0x0001
#define SCF_DIRS   0x0002


typedef FileEntryPFileEntry
typedef DirEntryPDirEntry
typedef ScanDirCtxPScanDirCtx
typedef bool(__stdcall * PFnDirAddAction) (PDirEntry pDir, LPWIN32_FIND_DATA pFD, PScanDirCtx pCtx)
typedef bool(__stdcall * PFnFileAddAction) (PFileEntry pFile, LPWIN32_FIND_DATA pFD, PScanDirCtx pCtx)
typedef bool(__stdcall * PFnDirAction) (PDirEntry pDir, PScanDirCtx pCtx)
typedef bool(__stdcall * PFnFileAction) (PFileEntry pFile, PScanDirCtx pCtx)
typedef bool(__stdcall * PFnAbortScan) (PDirEntry pDir, PScanDirCtx pCtx)


CSTR LongestCommonPath (CSTR PathName1, CSTR PathName2)
PFileEntry __stdcall NewFileEntry (LPWIN32_FIND_DATA pfd, PDirEntry pDir, PScanDirCtx pCtx)
PDirEntry __stdcall NewDirEntry (LPWIN32_FIND_DATA pfd, PDirEntry pDir, PScanDirCtx pCtx)
PFileEntry __stdcall __new_FileEntry (LPWIN32_FIND_DATA pfd, PDirEntry pDir, PScanDirCtx pCtx)
PDirEntry __stdcall __new_DirEntry (LPWIN32_FIND_DATA pfd, PDirEntry pDir, PScanDirCtx pCtx)


ScanDirCtx _defScanCtx

Macro Definition Documentation


#define SCF_FILES   0x0001

Scan flag.. Add files.

Definition at line 253 of file FileDir.h.


#define SCF_DIRS   0x0002

Scan flag.. Add directories.

Definition at line 254 of file FileDir.h.



No sane directory hierarchy should get this deep.

Definition at line 259 of file FileDir.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ PFileEntry

Pointer to a file entry.

Definition at line 42 of file FileDir.h.

◆ PDirEntry

typedef DirEntry* PDirEntry

Pointer to a directory entry.

Definition at line 45 of file FileDir.h.

◆ PScanDirCtx

Pointer to a ScanDir context.

Definition at line 46 of file FileDir.h.

◆ PFnDirAddAction

typedef bool(__stdcall * PFnDirAddAction) (PDirEntry pDir, LPWIN32_FIND_DATA pFD, PScanDirCtx pCtx)

PFnDirAddAction and PFnFileAddAction are callbacks optionally invoked
by DirEntry::Scan() after entry addition. F.ex, you might need to determine the
link count on a file (which takes time and therefore is not included in the base

pItemPointer to the newly allocated entry (PDirEntry or PFileEntry).
pFDPointer to the WIN32_FIND_DATA for the entry.

Definition at line 55 of file FileDir.h.

◆ PFnFileAddAction

typedef bool(__stdcall * PFnFileAddAction) (PFileEntry pFile, LPWIN32_FIND_DATA pFD, PScanDirCtx pCtx)

See PFnDirAddAction

Definition at line 56 of file FileDir.h.

◆ PFnDirAction

typedef bool(__stdcall * PFnDirAction) (PDirEntry pDir, PScanDirCtx pCtx)

PFnDirAction and PFnFileAction are generic entry callbacks.
See FileEntry::DelAction and DirEntry::DelAction, which are optionally invoked
on entry destruction. Use them f.ex to dispose of custom pData for your entries.

pDir,pFilePointer to the item entry.

Definition at line 64 of file FileDir.h.

◆ PFnFileAction

typedef bool(__stdcall * PFnFileAction) (PFileEntry pFile, PScanDirCtx pCtx)

See PFnDirAction

Definition at line 65 of file FileDir.h.

◆ PFnAbortScan

typedef bool(__stdcall * PFnAbortScan) (PDirEntry pDir, PScanDirCtx pCtx)

Optional callback to abort a scan in progress.
Return false to continue.

Definition at line 70 of file FileDir.h.

Function Documentation

◆ LongestCommonPath()

CSTR LongestCommonPath ( CSTR  PathName1,
CSTR  PathName2 

(Oops... Forgot about PathCommonPrefix()).
LongestCommonPath() returns the longest common part of two path names.

An internal static MAX_PATH buffer is used to return the result.
On error a blank string is returned, and GetLastError() returns a reason.
If the paths have nothing in common, the error is ERROR_NOT_FOUND, and
if the resulting path exceeds MAX_PATH, the error is ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW.

Definition at line 756 of file FileDir.cpp.

◆ NewFileEntry()

PFileEntry __stdcall NewFileEntry ( LPWIN32_FIND_DATA  pfd,
PDirEntry  pDir,
PScanDirCtx  pCtx 

NewFileEntry and NewDirEntry are pointers to functions that
DirEntry::Scan() calls to allocate new FileEntry and DirEntry instances.
This enables a degree of polymorphism to be used, e.g. extended entry types.
If needed, write decendants of FileEntry/DirEntry, and then write functions
that return pointers to new instances of your descendants.

Note: For simple entry extension, you may use the pData member
and AddAction/DelAction functions instead of descendant classes.

NewFileEntry and NewDirEntry can also be used as entry filters, by
writing custom functions which return NULL for entries that should not
be added to the directory tree. This causes Scan() to reject them.

pfdPointer to the WIN32_FIND_DATA for the item.
pDirPointer to the DirEntry currently being scanned.
Return a pointer to a FileEntry/DirEntry (or descendant), or NULL.
These function pointers must never be NULL, or your scanner will crash.

Pointer to FileEntry instanciator.

◆ NewDirEntry()

PDirEntry __stdcall NewDirEntry ( LPWIN32_FIND_DATA  pfd,
PDirEntry  pDir,
PScanDirCtx  pCtx 

Pointer to DirEntry instanciator. See NewFileEntry

◆ __new_FileEntry()

PFileEntry __stdcall __new_FileEntry ( LPWIN32_FIND_DATA  pfd,
PDirEntry  pDir,
PScanDirCtx  pCtx 

__new_FileEntry() and __new_DirEntry() are the default functions assigned to NewFileEntry and NewDirEntry .
They are exposed so you can restore them, or call them in customized entry allocators.

Definition at line 41 of file FileDir.cpp.

◆ __new_DirEntry()

PDirEntry __stdcall __new_DirEntry ( LPWIN32_FIND_DATA  pfd,
PDirEntry  pDir,
PScanDirCtx  pCtx 

See __new_FileEntry()

Definition at line 44 of file FileDir.cpp.

Variable Documentation

◆ _defScanCtx

ScanDirCtx _defScanCtx

Default scanning context if none provided.

Definition at line 17 of file FileDir.cpp.