uLib  User mode C/C++ extended API library for Win32 programmers.
Special String Functions

Module Description

Special formatting (e.g DataSizeStr()), et cetera...


#define HASH_STRING_ALGORITHM_X65599   (1)
#define HASH_STRING_ALGORITHM_INVALID   (0xffffffff)
#define DEF_DATETIME_FMT   _T("%Y-%m-%d %H.%M.%S")


bool SplitUncPath (IN CSTR UncPath, OUT TSTR Svr, UINT ccSvr, OUT TSTR Share, UINT ccShare, OPTOUT TSTR Path=NULL, UINT ccPath=0)
bool SplitNetShareName (IN CSTR ShareName, OUT WSTR Server, UINT ccServer, OUT WSTR Share, UINT ccShare)
CSTR WithoutBackslash (CSTR PathName)
CSTR WithBackslash (CSTR PathName)
bool GetRootOf (IN CSTR PathName, OUT TSTR Root, UINT ccRoot)
CSTR __cdecl StrFmt (TSTR Buf, UINT ccBuf, CSTR Fmt,...)
TSTR ReplaceStrChar (TSTR Str, TCHAR From, TCHAR To, OPTOUT UINT *pCount)
bool MatchPattern (CSTR String, CSTR Pattern, bool CaseSens)
UINT DeduplicateCharSepText (INOUT ASTR Text, CHAR Separator, bool caseSens, bool emitSorted)
UINT PrependString (INOUT TSTR String, UINT ccBuf, OPTIN TCHAR Sep, CSTR Prolog)
UINT AppendString (INOUT TSTR String, UINT ccBuf, OPTIN TCHAR Sep, CSTR Epilog)
ULONG GetStringHash (WCSTR Str, ULONG Algorithm=0, bool caseSens=true)
CSTR HexString (PBYTE pData, UINT dataLen, TSTR strBuf=NULL, UINT bufSize=0, bool tailDots=false)
CSTR DataSizeStr (UINT64 Size)
CSTR IsoDataSizeStr (UINT64 Size)
CSTR FileAttribStr (DWORD Attr)
CSTR FileTimeStr (FILETIME *FTime, CSTR Fmt=_T("%Y-%m-%d %H.%M.%S"))
CSTR FileTypeStr (CSTR FName)
CSTR EngFormat (long double Value, BYTE nDecimals, CSTR Unit=NULL)

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 435 of file StrFunc.h.


#define HASH_STRING_ALGORITHM_X65599   (1)

Definition at line 436 of file StrFunc.h.


#define HASH_STRING_ALGORITHM_INVALID   (0xffffffff)

Definition at line 437 of file StrFunc.h.


#define DEF_DATETIME_FMT   _T("%Y-%m-%d %H.%M.%S")

Default date/time format used by FileTimeStr().
Output fmt = yyyy-mm-dd hh.mm.ss

Definition at line 478 of file StrFunc.h.

Function Documentation

◆ SplitUncPath()

bool SplitUncPath ( IN CSTR  UncPath,
UINT  ccSvr,
OUT TSTR  Share,
UINT  ccShare,
UINT  ccPath = 0 

SplitUncPath() separates an UNC path into it's constituent parts.

UncPathAn UNC entity. Must contain at least server and share components.
Any prefixes (e.g "\\?\UNC\") are discarded. NT device paths produce undefined results.
SvrBuffer that recieves the server name. ccSvr is it's length, in TCHARs.
ShareSvr Buffer that recieves the share name. ccShare is it's length.
Path[optional] Buffer that recieves the path component, if any.
Returns true if arguments are ok and UncPath contain server and share. If UncPath is ill formed, or Svr or Share is NULL, the error is ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER.
If ccSvr, ccShare, or ccPath is too small, the error is ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER.

◆ SplitNetShareName()

bool SplitNetShareName ( IN CSTR  ShareName,
OUT WSTR  Server,
UINT  ccServer,
OUT WSTR  Share,
UINT  ccShare 

SplitNetShareName() extracts Server and Share names suitable for LM calls.

ShareNameA transmutable UNC "\\Server\Share" specification.
Server,ShareWide-string buffers recieving the components,
directly suitable for calls to e.g. NetShareGetInfo().
See also

Definition at line 634 of file StrFunc.cpp.

◆ WithoutBackslash()

CSTR WithoutBackslash ( CSTR  PathName)

If PathName has a trailing backslash, the string is copied to a MAX_PATH
thread-local buffer, the backslash removed, and the modified string returned,
otherwise PathName is returned verbatim. See also WithBackslash().

Definition at line 668 of file StrFunc.cpp.

◆ WithBackslash()

CSTR WithBackslash ( CSTR  PathName)

See WithoutBackslash().

Definition at line 682 of file StrFunc.cpp.

◆ GetRootOf()

bool GetRootOf ( IN CSTR  PathName,
UINT  ccRoot 

[preliminary] Get the root component of PathName.
It may be an X:\ DOS volume or a UNC \Server\Share.
Any path prefix in PathName is discarded from the result.
Note: UNC paths w/o leading \ and NT device paths produce undefined results.

Definition at line 661 of file StrFunc.cpp.

◆ StrFmt()

CSTR __cdecl StrFmt ( TSTR  Buf,
UINT  ccBuf,
CSTR  Fmt,

StrFmt() uses _vstprintf_s() to format the text, and returns the buffer.
If Buf == NULL and ccBuf == 0, an internal static MAX_PATH buffer is used.
If Buf == NULL and ccBuf != 0, a buffer is allocated with newStrBuf().
If Buf != NULL, then it and ccBuf are used verbatim.

Definition at line 545 of file StrFunc.cpp.

◆ ReplaceStrChar()

TSTR ReplaceStrChar ( TSTR  Str,
TCHAR  From,
OPTOUT UINT *  pCount 

ReplaceStrChar() replaces all ocurrences of From with To.
It returns a pointer to the terminating null char in Str.
Optionally it returns nr of chars replaced, in *pCount.

Definition at line 699 of file StrFunc.cpp.

◆ MatchPattern()

bool MatchPattern ( CSTR  String,
CSTR  Pattern,
bool  CaseSens 

Wildcard pattern match, including char set matching (e.g. [aex-z]).
If CaseSens is false, char sets are also treated as case insensitive.

StringThe text to analyze.
PatternA wildcard pattern to look for in String.
The pattern may include one or more *, ?, and char sets (e.g. [ax-z]).
CaseSensTrue if the matching should be case sensitive.
If CaseSens if false, char sets will also be treated as case insensitive.

Definition at line 743 of file StrFunc.cpp.

◆ DeduplicateCharSepText()

UINT DeduplicateCharSepText ( INOUT ASTR  Text,
CHAR  Separator,
bool  caseSens,
bool  emitSorted 

DeduplicateCharSepText() removes duplicate entries from a char separated list.

TextBuffer containing the text to be culled. Note: The buffer must have room
for one extra char at the Text end, due to temporary in-place conversion to multi-sz.
SeparatorSeparator char in Text, f.ex. SEMICOLON or COMMA.
caseSensSpecify whether the comparator should be case sensitive or not.
emitSortedSpecify whether the result should be sorted or not.

The function returns the length of the culled text, or zero on failure.
Note: This function is currently not available in _UNICODE builds.

◆ PrependString()

UINT PrependString ( INOUT TSTR  String,
UINT  ccBuf,
CSTR  Prolog 

PrependString() prepends a string in-place.

StringBuffer containing the text to be prepended.
ccBufLength of the buffer, in TCHARs.
SepOptional separator char to insert (0 == none).
PrologThe text to precede the current buffer content.

◆ AppendString()

UINT AppendString ( INOUT TSTR  String,
UINT  ccBuf,
CSTR  Epilog 

AppendString() appends a string in-place.
See PrependString() for parameter details.

◆ GetStringHash()

ULONG GetStringHash ( WCSTR  Str,
ULONG  Algorithm = 0,
bool  caseSens = true 

GetStringHash() provides a handy wrap for RtlHashUnicodeString().

Definition at line 947 of file StrFunc.cpp.

◆ HexString()

CSTR HexString ( PBYTE  pData,
UINT  dataLen,
TSTR  strBuf = NULL,
UINT  bufSize = 0,
bool  tailDots = false 

HexString() builds a readable hex string from the given data.
If strBuf is NULL or bufSize is zero, a static buffer of MAX_PATH is used.

Definition at line 981 of file StrFunc.cpp.

◆ DataSizeStr()

CSTR DataSizeStr ( UINT64  Size)

DataSizeStr() returns e.g. "2.3 MB" (B,kB,MB,GB,TB,PB,EB,ZB,YB).
Note: Uses an internal static buffer.

Definition at line 1042 of file StrFunc.cpp.

◆ IsoDataSizeStr()

CSTR IsoDataSizeStr ( UINT64  Size)

IsoDataSizeStr() returns e.g. "2.2 MiB" (B,kiB,MiB,GiB,TiB,PiB,EiB,ZiB,YiB).
Note: Uses an internal static buffer.

Definition at line 1066 of file StrFunc.cpp.

◆ FileAttribStr()

CSTR FileAttribStr ( DWORD  Attr)

FileAttribStr() returns all of the applicable [DAHRSCEOPZT], or a blank string.

  • D: Directory
  • A: Archive
  • H: Hidden
  • R: ReadOnly
  • S: System
  • C: Compressed
  • E: Encrypted
  • O: OffLine
  • P: ReparsePoint
  • Z: Sparse
  • T: Temporary
    Note: Uses an internal static buffer.

Definition at line 1092 of file StrFunc.cpp.

◆ FileTimeStr()

CSTR FileTimeStr ( FILETIME *  FTime,
CSTR  Fmt = _T("%Y-%m-%d %H.%M.%S") 

FileTimeStr() returns a formatted file time string. See SysTimeStr().

Definition at line 1124 of file StrFunc.cpp.

◆ SysTimeStr()

CSTR SysTimeStr ( SYSTEMTIME *  Time,
CSTR  Fmt 

SysTimeStr() formats a SYSTEMTIME into a human readable string with strftime().
Note that time zone reports the current system locale since Time doesn't have one.

FmtFormatting specifications for strftime() / wcsftime().
  • %a Abbreviated weekday name
  • %A Full weekday name
  • %b Abbreviated month name
  • %B Full month name
  • %c Date and time representation appropriate for locale
  • %d Day of month as decimal number (01..31)
  • %H Hour in 24-hour format (00..23)
  • %I Hour in 12-hour format (01..12)
  • %j Day of year as decimal number (001..366)
  • %m Month as decimal number (01..12)
  • %M Minute as decimal number (00..59)
  • %p Current locales A.M./P.M. indicator for 12-hour clock
  • %S Second as decimal number (00..59)
  • %U Week of year as decimal number, with Sunday as first day of week (00..53)
  • %w Weekday as decimal number (0..6; Sunday is 0)
  • %W Week of year as decimal number, with Monday as first day of week (00..53)
  • %x Date representation for current locale
  • %X Time representation for current locale
  • %y Year without century, as decimal number (00..99)
  • %Y Year with century, as decimal number
  • %z,%Z Time-zone name or abbreviation; no characters if time zone is unknown
  • %% Percent sign
If an error occurs (eg. buffer overflow) the return is an empty string.
Note: The function uses an internal static buffer.

Definition at line 1131 of file StrFunc.cpp.

◆ FileTypeStr()

CSTR FileTypeStr ( CSTR  FName)

FileTypeStr() gets a file type string from the shell.

Note: If you call FileTypeStr repeatedly, you should call InitShellFunc()
before the first call. Not doing so will result in poor performance, since it would
force FileTypeStr to call InitShellFunc() and DoneShellFunc() each time.

The function uses an internal static buffer of 80 chars.

Definition at line 1151 of file StrFunc.cpp.

◆ EngFormat()

CSTR EngFormat ( long double  Value,
BYTE  nDecimals,
CSTR  Unit = NULL 

EngFormat() formats a value with a scientific/engineering SI prefix unit.

The output format is f.ex. "12.345 kHz", formatted into an internal static buffer.

nDecimalsNr of decimals to output.
UnitOptional suffix to append to output, e.g. "Hz".

Note: The function uses an internal static buffer of 50 chars.

Unit prefix list
  • 10^24 yotta Y
  • 10^21 zetta Z
  • 10^18 exa E
  • 10^15 peta P
  • 10^12 tera T
  • 10^9 giga G
  • 10^6 mega M
  • 10^3 kilo k
  • #10^2 hekto h // not supported
  • #10^1 deka da // not supported
  • 1 // unity
  • #10^-1 deci d // not supported
  • #10^-2 centi c // not supported
  • 10^-3 milli m
  • 10^-6 micro u
  • 10^-9 nano n
  • 10^-12 pico p
  • 10^-15 femto f
  • 10^-18 atto a
  • 10^-21 zepto z
  • 10^-24 yocto y

Definition at line 1171 of file StrFunc.cpp.