uLib  User mode C/C++ extended API library for Win32 programmers.
GUID Strings

Module Description

Supplementary GUID to string translations.

Note: These functions, if given a NULL buffer pointer, use static internal
result buffers, and therefore are not re-entrant under that condition.
If you call them concurrently on different threads, you must provide a buffer.


CSTR GetGUIDString (REFIID riid, TSTR pzBuf=NULL, UINT ccBuf=0)
CSTR GetIIDString (REFIID riid, TSTR pzBuf=NULL, UINT ccBuf=0)
CSTR GetCLSIDString (REFIID riid, TSTR pzBuf=NULL, UINT ccBuf=0)
CSTR GetCLSIDAppname (REFIID riid, TSTR pzBuf=NULL, UINT ccBuf=0)

Function Documentation

◆ GetGUIDString()

CSTR GetGUIDString ( REFIID  riid,
TSTR  pzBuf = NULL,
UINT  ccBuf = 0 

Return format, e.g: "{00000316-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"

Definition at line 1230 of file StrFunc.cpp.

◆ GetIIDString()

CSTR GetIIDString ( REFIID  riid,
TSTR  pzBuf = NULL,
UINT  ccBuf = 0 

Return format, e.g: "IID_IPicture",
On failure, e.g: "{12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789ABC}"

Definition at line 1249 of file StrFunc.cpp.

◆ GetCLSIDString()

CSTR GetCLSIDString ( REFIID  riid,
TSTR  pzBuf = NULL,
UINT  ccBuf = 0 

Return format, e.g: "CLSID_Picture",
On failure, e.g: "{00020D75-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"

Definition at line 1278 of file StrFunc.cpp.

◆ GetCLSIDAppname()

CSTR GetCLSIDAppname ( REFIID  riid,
TSTR  pzBuf = NULL,
UINT  ccBuf = 0 

Return format, e.g: "Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)"

Definition at line 1310 of file StrFunc.cpp.