uLib  User mode C/C++ extended API library for Win32 programmers.
Thread Classes

Module Description

Special classes for multi-threading. #include <uLib/Thread.h>

SimpleThread is a simple wrap supporting CreateThread(),
Thread is an advanced kill-safe thread that requires real S.E.H.

The Thread class is based on code by Jeff Richter 1995, published in MSJ March 1996.
Jeff's article contains the following disclaimer:

The information contained herein is not endorsed by Microsoft.
Microsoft makes no warranty as to the accuracy or the completeness
of the information. Users are advised that they use this at their own risk.

Note: Thread uses _beginthreadex() to start the thread, in order to be safe(r)
with the multithread C runtime library. Ergo, end your thread function by returning,
never by ExitThread(), and never kill a Thread with TerminateThread(),
use Thread::Stop() from the controller, which calls Thread::Kill() if necessary.

Thread requires the /EHa compiler switch to perform stack unwinding correctly.


class  uLib::SimpleThread
class  uLib::Thread


typedef class SimpleThreaduLib::PSimpleThread
typedef class ThreaduLib::PThread

Typedef Documentation

◆ PSimpleThread

Definition at line 73 of file Thread.h.

◆ PThread

typedef class Thread* uLib::PThread

Definition at line 121 of file Thread.h.