uLib  User mode C/C++ extended API library for Win32 programmers.

Module Description

Other optional TTF tables..

Other tables may be defined for other platforms and for future expansion.
Note: These tables will not have any effect on the scan converter.

Tags for these tables must be registered with Apple Developer Technical Support.
Tag names consisting of all lower case letters are reserved for Apple's use.
The number 0 is never a valid tag name.


#define _TTT_ENTRY(fcc)   _byteswap_ulong(ULONG( fcc ))
#define TTT_CVT   0x20747663
#define TTT_FPGM   0x6D677066
#define TTT_KERN   0x6E72656B
#define TTT_PREP   0x70657270
#define TTT_GASP   _TTT_ENTRY('gasp')
#define TTT_HDMX   _TTT_ENTRY('hdmx')
#define TTT_VMTX   _TTT_ENTRY('vmtx')

Macro Definition Documentation


#define _TTT_ENTRY (   fcc)    _byteswap_ulong(ULONG( fcc ))

TrueType Table declarator or little endian sys.

Note: _TTT_ENTRY is a lazy shortcut for tables I didn't see.
If you actually use e.g TTT_VMTX, do change it's declaration
into a hex const, or you will incur a BSWAP every time you access it.

Definition at line 74 of file TTFFile.h.


#define TTT_CVT   0x20747663

'cvt ' - Control Value Table

Definition at line 76 of file TTFFile.h.


#define TTT_FPGM   0x6D677066

'fpgm' - Font program

Definition at line 77 of file TTFFile.h.


#define TTT_KERN   0x6E72656B

'kern' - Kerning

Definition at line 78 of file TTFFile.h.


#define TTT_PREP   0x70657270

'prep' - CVT Program

Definition at line 79 of file TTFFile.h.



'EBDT' - Embedded bitmap data

Definition at line 80 of file TTFFile.h.



'EBLC' - Embedded bitmap location data

Definition at line 81 of file TTFFile.h.



'EBSC' - Embedded bitmap scaling data

Definition at line 82 of file TTFFile.h.


#define TTT_GASP   _TTT_ENTRY('gasp')

'gasp' - Grid-fitting and scan conversion procedure (grayscale)

Definition at line 83 of file TTFFile.h.


#define TTT_HDMX   _TTT_ENTRY('hdmx')

'hdmx' - Horizontal device metrics

Definition at line 84 of file TTFFile.h.



'LTSH' - Linear threshold table

Definition at line 85 of file TTFFile.h.




Definition at line 86 of file TTFFile.h.



'VDMX' - Vertical Device Metrics table

Definition at line 87 of file TTFFile.h.



'VDMX' - Vertical Metrics header

Definition at line 88 of file TTFFile.h.


#define TTT_VMTX   _TTT_ENTRY('vmtx')

'vmtx' - Vertical Metrics

Definition at line 89 of file TTFFile.h.