uLib  User mode C/C++ extended API library for Win32 programmers.

Module Description

Additional status bar APIs...


#define SB_SetParts(hctl, npart, ppart)   (BOOL) SendMessage( hctl,SB_SETPARTS,(WPARAM)(npart),(LPARAM)(ppart) )
#define SB_SetText(hctl, part, text)   (BOOL) SendMessage( hctl,SB_SETTEXT,(WPARAM)(part),(LPARAM)(text) )
#define SB_SetIcon(hctl, part, hico)   (BOOL) SendMessage( hctl,SB_SETICON,(WPARAM)(part),(LPARAM)(hico) )


HWND CreateStatusbar (HWND hParent, UINT Id, CSTR Text, UINT Style)
bool __cdecl SetStatusParts (HWND hStat, UINT nParts,...)
bool __cdecl SetStatusWidths (HWND hStat, UINT nParts, int *Width)
bool __cdecl SetStatusText (HWND hStat, UINT Part, CSTR Fmt,...)

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ SB_SetParts

#define SB_SetParts (   hctl,
)    (BOOL) SendMessage( hctl,SB_SETPARTS,(WPARAM)(npart),(LPARAM)(ppart) )

Definition at line 1535 of file UtilFunc.h.

◆ SB_SetText

#define SB_SetText (   hctl,
)    (BOOL) SendMessage( hctl,SB_SETTEXT,(WPARAM)(part),(LPARAM)(text) )

Definition at line 1536 of file UtilFunc.h.

◆ SB_SetIcon

#define SB_SetIcon (   hctl,
)    (BOOL) SendMessage( hctl,SB_SETICON,(WPARAM)(part),(LPARAM)(hico) )

Definition at line 1537 of file UtilFunc.h.

Function Documentation

◆ CreateStatusbar()

HWND CreateStatusbar ( HWND  hParent,
CSTR  Text,
UINT  Style 

CreateStatusbar resizes the parent window to make room for a status bar,
and then creates a status bar window at the bottom of the parent.

Note: Essential styles have defaults.. Use Style to provide additional ones.
CCS_TOP, CCS_LEFT, and CCS_RIGHT are actively prohibited..
If you need them, call CreateWindowEx directly.

Definition at line 1434 of file UserUtil.cpp.

◆ SetStatusParts()

bool __cdecl SetStatusParts ( HWND  hStat,
UINT  nParts,

SetStatusParts configures the panes of a status bar.
If nParts is < 2, the bar is set to simple mode and the var-args are ignored.
If nParts is >= 2, you must pass at least that many width (not position) specifications.
Pass -1 as the last one to make that pane occupy the remainder of the status bar.

Definition at line 1377 of file UserUtil.cpp.

◆ SetStatusWidths()

bool __cdecl SetStatusWidths ( HWND  hStat,
UINT  nParts,
int *  Width 

SetStatusWidths configures status panes by an array of widths
(unlike SB_SETPARTS which takes an array of positions).
If nParts is < 2, the bar is set to simple mode and Width is ignored.
See also SetStatusParts().

Definition at line 1398 of file UserUtil.cpp.

◆ SetStatusText()

bool __cdecl SetStatusText ( HWND  hStat,
UINT  Part,
CSTR  Fmt,

SetStatusText formats a string into a 256 char buffer and puts it in the pane.

hStatStatus bar window handle.
PartA combination of pane index and SBT_nn flags.
FmtStatus text, including optional printf inserts.
...[optional] Insert parameters...

Note: Uses a thread-local static buffer, so it's safe to use with owner-draw
status bars. However, if you use it to custom draw more than one pane,
you'll get cross-feed, since all of them will refer to the same buffer.

Definition at line 1422 of file UserUtil.cpp.