uLib  User mode C/C++ extended API library for Win32 programmers.

Module Description

Additional image list APIs...


HIMAGELIST ImageList_CreateMapped (HINSTANCE hInst, UINT Id, LPCOLORMAP Map, UINT nMap, UINT cxImg, UINT Flags, UINT nGrow)

Function Documentation

◆ ImageList_CreateMapped()

HIMAGELIST ImageList_CreateMapped ( HINSTANCE  hInst,
UINT  nMap,
UINT  cxImg,
UINT  Flags,
UINT  nGrow 

Create an imagelist from a bitmap resource, and remap specific colors.
The image count is inferred from the bitmap width and cxBtn,
and the image height is taken from the bitmap height.

hInstModule containing the bitmap resource.
IdId of the bitmap resource.
MapColor remapping entries.
nMapNr of color remapping entries.
cxImgWidth of each subimage.
FlagsFlags for ImageList_Create.
nGrowGrowth term for ImageList_Create.

Return the imagelist handle, or NULL on failure.
See also CreateMappedBitmap and ImageList_Create for parameter details.

cmap[0].from = RGB( 255,0,255 ); cmap[0].to = SYSRGB( 3DFACE );
cmap[1].from = RGB( 255,255,255 ); cmap[1].to = RGB( 255,250,180 );
hIml = ImageList_CreateMapped( hInstance, IML_MAIN, cmap,2, 16, ILC_COLOR32, 0 );

Definition at line 1564 of file UserUtil.cpp.