uLib  User mode C/C++ extended API library for Win32 programmers.

Module Description

Additional bitmap functions.




typedef bool(__stdcall * PFnPaintBitmap) (PAINTBMPSTRUCT *p)


HBITMAP WINAPI CreateIconBitmap (HICON hIcon, HBRUSH hbrBkg, UINT cx=0, UINT cy=0)
HBITMAP WINAPI CreateMaskBitmap (HBITMAP img, COLORREF transp)
HBITMAP WINAPI CreateAntialiasedBitmap (UINT cx, UINT cy, UINT mu, PFnPaintBitmap PaintBitmap, PVOID Ctx)
bool WINAPI DrawMaskedBitmap (HDC hdc, int x, int y, HBITMAP hBmp, HBITMAP hMask)
bool WINAPI DrawTransparentBitmap (HDC hdc, int x, int y, int w, int h, HBITMAP hBmp, COLORREF cTrans)
void WINAPI DrawBitmap (HDC hdc, int x, int y, HBITMAP hBmp)
void WINAPI DrawBitmapEx (HDC hdc, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, HBITMAP hBmp, int imx=0, int imy=0, int imw=0, int imh=0, DWORD rasterOp=SRCCOPY)

Class Documentation



Paint context passed to PFnPaintBitmap().

Definition at line 1999 of file UtilFunc.h.

Class Members
HDC hDC DC to paint on.
RECT rcPaint Upscaled drawing rect.
UINT mu Scaling multiplier.
PVOID ctx User's context, if any.

Typedef Documentation

◆ PFnPaintBitmap

typedef bool(__stdcall * PFnPaintBitmap) (PAINTBMPSTRUCT *p)

Callback function for CreateAntialiasedBitmap(). See also PAINTBMPSTRUCT.

Definition at line 2010 of file UtilFunc.h.

Function Documentation

◆ CreateIconBitmap()

HBITMAP WINAPI CreateIconBitmap ( HICON  hIcon,
HBRUSH  hbrBkg,
UINT  cx = 0,
UINT  cy = 0 

CreateIconBitmap creates a bitmap from a given icon.

Conveniently supports adding application icons to menu items.
If cx or cy is zero, the small icon metrics (SM_C[X|Y]SMICON) is used for that parameter.
For standard menus, you may use SYSHBR( 3DFACE ) as hbrBkg.

Don't forget to DeleteBitmap() when done with the bitmap.
Note: The system does not make a copy of the bitmap when adding it to a menu item,
so you must keep the handle until the menu is destroyed.

Definition at line 153 of file GdiUtil.cpp.

◆ CreateMaskBitmap()

HBITMAP WINAPI CreateMaskBitmap ( HBITMAP  img,
COLORREF  transp 

CreateMaskBitmap creates a B/W bitmap suitable for use with MaskBlt().

Don't forget to DeleteBitmap() when done with the bitmap.
See also R4_MASKBLT

Definition at line 193 of file GdiUtil.cpp.

◆ CreateAntialiasedBitmap()

HBITMAP WINAPI CreateAntialiasedBitmap ( UINT  cx,
UINT  cy,
UINT  mu,
PFnPaintBitmap  PaintBitmap,

CreateAntialiasedBitmap lets you draw a bitmap in upscaled size
and returns the bitmap halftone stretched to the target size.

If the callback returns false or an exception occurs,
no bitmap is created, and the function returns NULL.
Don't forget to DeleteBitmap() when done with the bitmap.
See also PFnPaintBitmap().

cyDesired bitmap size.
muScaling multiplier, e.g. 2 or 4.
PaintBitmapPaint function.
CtxUser context, if any.

Definition at line 222 of file GdiUtil.cpp.

◆ DrawMaskedBitmap()

bool WINAPI DrawMaskedBitmap ( HDC  hdc,
int  x,
int  y,

DrawMaskedBitmap draws a bitmap through a monochrome mask.
The entire bitmap is drawn, and cannot be stretched.
Note: The hMask bitmap must cover (at least) the full hBmp.
See also CreateMaskBitmap() and [MSDN] MaskBlt().

Definition at line 343 of file GdiUtil.cpp.

◆ DrawTransparentBitmap()

bool WINAPI DrawTransparentBitmap ( HDC  hdc,
int  x,
int  y,
int  w,
int  h,

DrawTransparentBitmap draws a bitmap transparently, using cTrans as the transparent color.
If w or h is zero, the actual bitmap dimension is used for that parameter.
The bitmap can be stretched. See also [MSDN] TransparentBlt()

Definition at line 361 of file GdiUtil.cpp.

◆ DrawBitmap()

void WINAPI DrawBitmap ( HDC  hdc,
int  x,
int  y,

DrawBitmap blits a bitmap to the given hdc.
The bitmap's actual size is used for width and height.

Definition at line 383 of file GdiUtil.cpp.

◆ DrawBitmapEx()

void WINAPI DrawBitmapEx ( HDC  hdc,
int  x,
int  y,
int  cx,
int  cy,
int  imx = 0,
int  imy = 0,
int  imw = 0,
int  imh = 0,
DWORD  rasterOp = SRCCOPY 

Stretch a bitmap onto the given hdc.
If cx or cy is zero, the corresponding client dimension is used in full.
If imw or imh is zero, the full bitmap dimension is used.

Definition at line 398 of file GdiUtil.cpp.