uLib  User mode C/C++ extended API library for Win32 programmers.
DLinkList Class Reference

#include <uLib/ListFunc.h>

Inheritance diagram for DLinkList:
LIST_ENTRY uLib::GroupList

Detailed Description

DLinkList is a semi-circular double linked list manipulation class.
That is, the first and last entries always point to the list head, not to each other.
The protected LIST_ENTRY is the list head.

One of it's more powerful features is DLinkList::QuickSort(),
which performs it's work by swapping links, not node data,
meaning You can sort large nodes without performance penalty.

Working with legacy LIST_ENTRY structs

DLinkList works with pointers to LIST_ENTRY, so it doesn't care if Your struct
is a C++ direct descendant of LIST_ENTRY, or has a LIST_ENTRY as it's first member.
The only important thing is that Flink and Blink are it's first physical entities.

How you allocate and deallocate Your structs is entirely up to Your discretion.
Just make sure to provide the proper callback for DLinkList::RemoveAll(), to match
how You chose to allocate Your structs.

Definition at line 184 of file ListFunc.h.

Public Data

UINT Count
bool SafeRemove

Public Functions

 DLinkList (bool Safe=true)
 DLinkList (PLIST_ENTRY ListHead, bool Safe)
 ~DLinkList ()
PDLinkList operator= (PLIST_ENTRY ListHead)
PLIST_ENTRY operator+= (PLIST_ENTRY Entry)
PLIST_ENTRY operator -= (PLIST_ENTRY Entry)
bool IsEmpty ()
bool Exist (PLIST_ENTRY Entry)
PLIST_ENTRY RemoveFirst ()
PLIST_ENTRY RemoveLast ()
void RemoveAll (PDListFunc ItemAction, void *UserData=NULL)
PLIST_ENTRY operator [] (size_t Index)
bool ForEach (PDListFunc Action, void *UserData=NULL)
PLIST_ENTRY FirstThat (PDListFunc Match, void *UserData=NULL)
PLIST_ENTRY LastThat (PDListFunc Match, void *UserData=NULL)
void QuickSort (PDListComp Compare, void *UserData=NULL)
UINT AppendList (IN PDLinkList ListToAppend, OPTOUT PLIST_ENTRY *ppFirst)
UINT operator+= (PDLinkList ListToAppend)
UINT ExportToListHead (PLIST_ENTRY ListHead)
UINT ImportFromListHead (IN PLIST_ENTRY ListHead, OPTOUT PLIST_ENTRY *ppFirst)
UINT ExportToHeadlessList (PLIST_ENTRY *Circular)
UINT ImportHeadlessList (IN PLIST_ENTRY Circular, OPTOUT PLIST_ENTRY *ppFirst)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from LIST_ENTRY
struct _LIST_ENTRY * Flink
struct _LIST_ENTRY * Blink

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DLinkList() [1/2]

DLinkList::DLinkList ( bool  Safe = true)

Default constructor.

Definition at line 70 of file ListCls.cpp.

◆ DLinkList() [2/2]

DLinkList::DLinkList ( PLIST_ENTRY  ListHead,
bool  Safe 

Special constuctor to pick up (re-head) a plain NT list head.

Side Effects
ListHead will be reset to an empty list after the list is re-headed to 'this', to prevent cross-link errors.

See also ImportFromListHead(), ExportToListHead().

Definition at line 77 of file ListCls.cpp.

◆ ~DLinkList()

DLinkList::~DLinkList ( )

DLinkList doesn't need a destructor since it doesn't allocate anything.
However, it is included, to emit a debugger message if the list is not empty.

Definition at line 83 of file ListCls.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator=()

PDLinkList DLinkList::operator= ( PLIST_ENTRY  ListHead)

operator=( PLIST_ENTRY ListHead ) usurps the ListHead list.
The DLinkList instance must be empty before using this operator.

Returns this on success, else NULL (ListHead is empty, or this is not).
Side Effects
ListHead is set empty to prevent cross-link errors which might otherwise occur.

Definition at line 407 of file ListCls.cpp.

◆ operator+=() [1/2]

PLIST_ENTRY DLinkList::operator+= ( PLIST_ENTRY  Entry)

Append an entry.

Definition at line 222 of file ListFunc.h.

◆ operator -=()

PLIST_ENTRY DLinkList::operator -= ( PLIST_ENTRY  Entry)

Remove an entry.

Definition at line 223 of file ListFunc.h.

◆ IsEmpty()

bool DLinkList::IsEmpty ( )

Definition at line 225 of file ListFunc.h.

◆ Exist()

bool DLinkList::Exist ( PLIST_ENTRY  Entry)

Returns true if Entry is found.

Definition at line 145 of file ListCls.cpp.

◆ GetFirst()

PLIST_ENTRY DLinkList::GetFirst ( )

Definition at line 228 of file ListFunc.h.

◆ GetLast()

PLIST_ENTRY DLinkList::GetLast ( )

Definition at line 229 of file ListFunc.h.

◆ GetNext()

PLIST_ENTRY DLinkList::GetNext ( PLIST_ENTRY  Current)

GetNext() and GetPrev() provides fully circular access to this list.
For performance reasons, these two does not validate Current,
so be sure to use an entry that is in the list, lest Hell break loose.

Next/Previous entry, or NULL (if the list is empty).

Definition at line 191 of file ListCls.cpp.

◆ GetPrev()

PLIST_ENTRY DLinkList::GetPrev ( PLIST_ENTRY  Current)

See GetNext().

Definition at line 202 of file ListCls.cpp.

◆ Append()

PLIST_ENTRY DLinkList::Append ( PLIST_ENTRY  Entry)

Insert at tail, i.e InsertTailList

Definition at line 90 of file ListCls.cpp.

◆ Prepend()

PLIST_ENTRY DLinkList::Prepend ( PLIST_ENTRY  Entry)

Insert at head, i.e InsertHeadList

Definition at line 103 of file ListCls.cpp.

◆ RemoveEntry()

PLIST_ENTRY DLinkList::RemoveEntry ( PLIST_ENTRY  Entry)

Returns Entry if removed, else NULL.

Definition at line 213 of file ListCls.cpp.

◆ RemoveFirst()

PLIST_ENTRY DLinkList::RemoveFirst ( )

Remove at head.

Definition at line 231 of file ListCls.cpp.

◆ RemoveLast()

PLIST_ENTRY DLinkList::RemoveLast ( )

Remove at tail.

Definition at line 236 of file ListCls.cpp.

◆ RemoveAll()

void DLinkList::RemoveAll ( PDListFunc  ItemAction,
void *  UserData = NULL 

RemoveAll removes all entries from the list, calling ItemAction for each.
Use ItemAction to e.g. delete your entries, or any other cleanup you need.
If ItemAction returns false, the remaining operation is aborted.
If ItemAction is NULL, the entries are just removed, which might leak. See also PDListFunc

Definition at line 241 of file ListCls.cpp.

◆ Push()



Definition at line 258 of file ListFunc.h.

◆ Pull()

PLIST_ENTRY DLinkList::Pull ( void  )

Push() / Pull() = FIFO (Queue)

Definition at line 259 of file ListFunc.h.

◆ Pop()

PLIST_ENTRY DLinkList::Pop ( void  )

Push() / Pop() = LIFO (Stack)

Definition at line 260 of file ListFunc.h.

◆ operator []()

PLIST_ENTRY DLinkList::operator [] ( size_t  Index)

Indexed access (can be slow).

Definition at line 277 of file ListCls.cpp.

◆ ForEach()

bool DLinkList::ForEach ( PDListFunc  Action,
void *  UserData = NULL 

ForEach invokes the Action callback on each list entry.
Note: ForEach is not intended for clearing a list, use RemoveAll() for that.

If you should ever need to remove an Entry in the callback for one of the iterative methods,
be sure to use RemoveEntry(), otherwise you will knock the Count member out of sync.
The obvious way to let the callback know it's list is to pass a pointer to it via the UserData param.
In this situation you may also want to temporarily (or permanently)
disable SafeRemove on the list, for performance reasons.

See PDListFunc for callback details.

Definition at line 317 of file ListCls.cpp.

◆ FirstThat()

PLIST_ENTRY DLinkList::FirstThat ( PDListFunc  Match,
void *  UserData = NULL 

Find the first matching entry, as determined by the Match callback.
See also ForEach().

Definition at line 287 of file ListCls.cpp.

◆ LastThat()

PLIST_ENTRY DLinkList::LastThat ( PDListFunc  Match,
void *  UserData = NULL 

Find the last matching entry, as determined by the Match callback.
See also ForEach().

Definition at line 302 of file ListCls.cpp.

◆ QuickSort()

void DLinkList::QuickSort ( PDListComp  Compare,
void *  UserData = NULL 

Quicksort the list by swapping links, not node data (so you can sort large Entries).
The Compare function should return a C tristate comparison value -x/0/+x.
UserData (optional) can be anything your comparator might need, or NULL.

See PDListComp for callback details.

Definition at line 335 of file ListCls.cpp.

◆ AppendList() [1/2]

UINT DLinkList::AppendList ( IN PLIST_ENTRY  ListToAppend,

AppendList appends another list to the end of this.

ListToAppendThe list head of the list to append.
(This differs from the DDK AppendTailList function,
which expects a headless list as it's source argument.)
ppFirstIf provided, recieves a pointer to the first added entry.
Returns the nr of items added.
Side Effects
ListToAppend is reset to empty, to prevent cross-links.
See also
DLinkList( PLIST_ENTRY ListHead, bool Safe ).

Definition at line 116 of file ListCls.cpp.

◆ AppendList() [2/2]

UINT DLinkList::AppendList ( IN PDLinkList  ListToAppend,

See AppendList().

Definition at line 139 of file ListCls.cpp.

◆ operator+=() [2/2]

UINT DLinkList::operator+= ( PDLinkList  ListToAppend)

Definition at line 309 of file ListFunc.h.

◆ ExportToListHead()

UINT DLinkList::ExportToListHead ( PLIST_ENTRY ListHead  OUT)

ExportToListHead transfers this to a plain NT listhead.
After ExportToListHead, the list's head pointers will refer to ListHead,
not this, so you must access the entries through ListHead.

Side Effects
Be aware that 'this' is reset to an empty list after the list is transferred to ListHead, to prevent cross-links.
Returns the nr of entries in the list.

Definition at line 431 of file ListCls.cpp.

◆ ImportFromListHead()

UINT DLinkList::ImportFromListHead ( IN PLIST_ENTRY  ListHead,

ImportFromListHead adds all entries from ListHead to this list.

Side Effects
ListHead is reset to an empty list to prevent cross-links.
Returns the nr of entries added to this list, possibly 0.

See also AppendList()

Definition at line 446 of file ListCls.cpp.

◆ ExportToHeadlessList()

UINT DLinkList::ExportToHeadlessList ( PLIST_ENTRY Circular)

[SPECIAL] ExportToHeadlessList transfers this to a headless (i.e. circular) list.

Side Effects
'this' is reset to an empty list to prevent cross-links.
Returns the nr of entries in the list.

See also ExportToListHead(), ImportHeadlessList().

Definition at line 462 of file ListCls.cpp.

◆ ImportHeadlessList()

UINT DLinkList::ImportHeadlessList ( IN PLIST_ENTRY  Circular,

[SPECIAL] ImportHeadlessList usurps a circular list into 'this'.
If 'this' is empty, Circular simply becomes this "headed" list,
otherwise Circular is appended at the end of this list.

Returns nr of items imported, or zero on failure.
Circular becomes a "headed" list, but because the passed in list has no head it can't be reset to empty,
so be careful to not create cross-links by subsequent use of your passed in list from other heads.
list.ImportHeadlessList( headless, NULL );
list.QuickSort( sort_Alpha );
list.ExportToHeadlessList( &headless );
See also
AttachHeadlessList() (for hybrid head/headless lists); ExportToHeadlessList().

Definition at line 472 of file ListCls.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ Count

UINT DLinkList::Count

Nr of items in the linked list.

Definition at line 186 of file ListFunc.h.

◆ SafeRemove

bool DLinkList::SafeRemove

Set true to check existence before removing an entry.
RemoveEntry is much faster without this, but the programmer must be sure to not try removing an item which isn't in the list.
Doing so is an error and will create a mess (cross-linked list) and cause undefined behavior.

When true, RemoveEntry() calls Exist() before commencing removal.
This protects against cross-link errors, but the list has to be traversed, possibly in it's entirety,
each time an item is removed, which can take a long time, especially when removing many entries from a big list.

RemoveAll() has been implemented to be efficient even with SafeRemove on,
by always removing the first item, which makes Exist as fast as possible.

Definition at line 187 of file ListFunc.h.

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