uLib  User mode C/C++ extended API library for Win32 programmers.

Module Description

Convenience functions for HMAPFILE...

These are not quite necessary, since you can just memcpy from the file's PBYTE,
but sometimes it makes life easier to wrap your noggin around the age-old paradigm
of reading a file and having the RTL remember the file's current position.
FWIW, these have SEH (if the compiler supports it).


size_t PeekMappedFile (HMAPFILE hMapFile, PVOID Buffer, size_t cbRead)
size_t ReadMappedFile (HMAPFILE hMapFile, PVOID Buffer, size_t cbRead)
size_t WriteMappedFile (HMAPFILE hMapFile, PVOID Buffer, size_t cbWrite)
PBYTE GetMappedFilePtr (HMAPFILE hMapFile)
PBYTE SetMappedFilePtr (HMAPFILE hMapFile, INT64 Offset, UINT How)
UINT64 GetMappedFilePos (HMAPFILE hMapFile)
UINT64 SetMappedFilePos (HMAPFILE hMapFile, INT64 Offset, UINT How)

Function Documentation

◆ PeekMappedFile()

size_t PeekMappedFile ( HMAPFILE  hMapFile,
PVOID  Buffer,
size_t  cbRead 

Definition at line 1270 of file IoUtil.cpp.

◆ ReadMappedFile()

size_t ReadMappedFile ( HMAPFILE  hMapFile,
PVOID  Buffer,
size_t  cbRead 

Definition at line 1294 of file IoUtil.cpp.

◆ WriteMappedFile()

size_t WriteMappedFile ( HMAPFILE  hMapFile,
PVOID  Buffer,
size_t  cbWrite 

Definition at line 1301 of file IoUtil.cpp.

◆ GetMappedFilePtr()

PBYTE GetMappedFilePtr ( HMAPFILE  hMapFile)

Definition at line 1330 of file IoUtil.cpp.

◆ SetMappedFilePtr()

PBYTE SetMappedFilePtr ( HMAPFILE  hMapFile,
INT64  Offset,
UINT  How 

Definition at line 1338 of file IoUtil.cpp.

◆ GetMappedFilePos()

UINT64 GetMappedFilePos ( HMAPFILE  hMapFile)

Definition at line 1369 of file IoUtil.cpp.

◆ SetMappedFilePos()

UINT64 SetMappedFilePos ( HMAPFILE  hMapFile,
INT64  Offset,
UINT  How 

Definition at line 1375 of file IoUtil.cpp.