uLib  User mode C/C++ extended API library for Win32 programmers.
UserUtil.cpp File Reference
#include <uLib/Common.h>
#include <uLib/UtilFunc.h>
#include <uLib/Debug.h>
#include <uLib/StrFunc.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


union  _fp32u
union  _fp64u
struct  MsgBoxParams


#define _MAX_DBGMSG_   512 /* Equal to kernel debugger message buffer size */
#define MB_SYSICONMASK   0x00000070L
#define MB_ICONMASK   0x000000F0L
#define MB_USERICON   0x00000080L
#define COMBO_LISTCLASS   _T("ComboLBox")
#define COMBO_EDITCLASS   _T("Edit")


typedef MsgBoxParamsPMsgBoxParams


UINT DispatchMessagesFor (HWND hWnd)
bool OpenEmptyClipboard (HWND hWnd)
UINT EnumerateClipFormats (HWND hCBOwner, PFClipFmtAction Action, PVOID UserData)
bool PutClipHandle (HWND hCBOwner, HANDLE hClip, UINT clipFmt)
HANDLE GetClipHandle (UINT clipFmt)
bool PutClipboardStringA (HWND hCBOwner, ACSTR Text)
bool PutClipboardStringW (HWND hCBOwner, WCSTR Text)
CSTR DupClipboardString ()
PVOID DupClipboardData (UINT clipFmt, PUINT pSize)
END_ANONYMOUS void SetWindowFloat (HWND hCtl, int Index, float Value)
float GetWindowFloat (HWND hCtl, int Index)
void SetWindowDouble (HWND hCtl, int Index, double Value)
double GetWindowDouble (HWND hCtl, int Index)
void SetClassFloat (HWND hCtl, int Index, float Value)
float GetClassFloat (HWND hCtl, int Index)
void SetClassDouble (HWND hCtl, int Index, double Value)
double GetClassDouble (HWND hCtl, int Index)
int __cdecl MsgBox (HWND owner, UINT type, CSTR cap, CSTR msg,...)
bool __cdecl SetCaption (HWND hwnd, CSTR fmt,...)
HANDLE __cdecl AsyncMsgBox (UINT Flags, PINT_PTR pResult, CSTR Title, CSTR Fmt,...)
HANDLE __cdecl AsyncMsgBoxEx (HWND Owner, UINT Flags, CSTR Title, HINSTANCE hInst, CSTR IconId, DWORD LangId, DWORD_PTR HelpId, MSGBOXCALLBACK Callback, PINT_PTR pResult, CSTR TextFmt,...)
UINT GetWndHeight (HWND hWnd)
UINT GetWndWidth (HWND hWnd)
bool GetWndSize (HWND hWnd, SIZE *pSize)
bool GetWndPos (HWND hWnd, POINT *pPos)
BOOL GetWindowMinimizeRect (HWND hTrayApp, RECT *pRect)
bool CenterWindow (HWND hChild, HWND hParent)
void GetChildWndRect (HWND hCtl, RECT *R)
bool EnableChildWnd (HWND Owner, UINT Id, bool Enable)
HWND GetChildWndWithId (HWND hParent, UINT ChildId)
HMENU LoadMenuEx (HMODULE hModule, CSTR Id, LANGID Language)
int GetMenuItemIdByName (HMENU hMenu, CSTR Name)
PVOID GetMenuItemData (HMENU hMenu, UINT Id)
bool SetMenuItemCheck (HMENU hMenu, UINT Id, bool Check)
HMENU AddSubMenu (HMENU hMenu, UINT Index, CSTR Text, WORD Id, WORD State, PVOID Data, HBITMAP Image)
bool AddMenuItem (HMENU hMenu, UINT Index, CSTR Text, WORD cmdId, WORD State, PVOID Data, HBITMAP Image)
UINT EnumerateMenuItems (HMENU hMenu, PFnMenuItemAction Action, PVOID Ctx)
PVOID WINAPI LoadCustomResource (HMODULE hModule, CSTR Id, CSTR Type, UINT *pSize)
PVOID WINAPI LoadCustomResourceEx (HMODULE hModule, CSTR Id, CSTR Type, LANGID Language, UINT *pSize)
IPicture *WINAPI LoadPictureResource (HMODULE hMod, CSTR Id, CSTR Type)
IPicture *WINAPI LoadPictureFile (CSTR FName)
long WINAPI HiMetricToPix (long hiMetric)
long WINAPI PixToHiMetric (long Pix)
void WINAPI PaintPicture (IPicture *pPic, HDC hdc, int x, int y, int cx, int cy)
bool WINAPI PaintPictureEx (IPicture *pPic, HDC hdc, long x, long y, long cx, long cy, long imx, long imy, long imw, long imh, PRECT prMeta)
HWND CreateWindowIndirect (LPCREATESTRUCT pc)
INT_PTR DialogBoxParamEx (HINSTANCE hInstance, CSTR Template, HWND hParent, DLGPROC DlgProc, LPARAM lParam, LANGID Language)
HWND CreateDialogParamEx (HINSTANCE hInstance, CSTR Template, HWND hParent, DLGPROC DlgProc, LPARAM lParam, LANGID Language)
bool GetRequiredWindowSize (HWND hWnd, IN const PSIZE pClient, OUT PSIZE pWindow)
bool GetWindowClientSize (HWND hWnd, IN const PSIZE pWindow, OUT PSIZE pClient)
bool RefreshWnd (HWND hwnd)
bool RedrawWnd (HWND hwnd, UINT flags)
bool RedrawWndRect (HWND hwnd, PRECT prect, UINT flags)
bool RedrawWndRgn (HWND hwnd, HRGN hrgn, UINT flags)
bool MoveWnd (HWND hwnd, int X, int Y, bool repaint)
bool ResizeWnd (HWND hwnd, int W, int H, bool repaint)
HWND SetParentWnd (HWND wnd, HWND newParent)
bool IsWndClass (HWND hWnd, CSTR clsName)
HWND GetComboEditor (HWND hCombo)
HWND GetComboList (HWND hCombo)
CSTR GetWndClassName (HWND hWnd)
double GetWndReal (HWND hCtl)
double GetDlgItemReal (HWND hDlg, UINT Id)
bool SetWndReal (HWND hCtl, double Value, BYTE nDeci, CSTR Suffix)
bool SetDlgItemReal (HWND hDlg, UINT Id, double Value, BYTE nDeci, CSTR Suffix)
HWND GetMDIClient (HWND hMdiFrame)
bool ButtonChecked (HWND hBtn)
bool ButtonCtrlChecked (HWND hDlg, UINT Id)
bool CheckButton (HWND hBtn, bool Check)
bool CheckButtonCtrl (HWND hDlg, UINT Id, bool Check)
int __cdecl AddListString (HWND hLB, CSTR Fmt,...)
int AddListItem (HWND hLB, CSTR Text, LPARAM Data)
int __cdecl AddComboString (HWND hCB, CSTR Fmt,...)
int AddComboItem (HWND hCB, CSTR Text, LPARAM Data)
bool __cdecl SetStatusParts (HWND hStat, UINT nParts,...)
bool __cdecl SetStatusWidths (HWND hStat, UINT nParts, int *Width)
bool __cdecl SetStatusText (HWND hStat, UINT Part, CSTR Fmt,...)
HWND CreateStatusbar (HWND hParent, UINT Id, CSTR Text, UINT Style)
UINT ListView_ForEach (HWND hLv, PFLvItemAction Action, PVOID pCtx)
bool TreeView_GetItemText (HWND hTree, HTREEITEM hItem, TSTR Buf, UINT bufLen)
bool GetTrackbarInfo (HWND hCtl, LPSCROLLINFO psi)
bool SetTrackbarInfo (HWND hCtl, LPSCROLLINFO psi, bool Redraw)
HIMAGELIST ImageList_CreateMapped (HINSTANCE hInst, UINT Id, LPCOLORMAP Map, UINT nMap, UINT cxImg, UINT Flags, UINT nGrow)
HWND CreateToolbar (HWND hParent, UINT Id, UINT x, UINT y, UINT w, UINT h, UINT cxBtn, UINT cyBtn, HIMAGELIST hImages, LPTBBUTTON Buttons, UINT nButtons, DWORD Style, DWORD ExStyle)
HWND CreateStdToolbar (HWND hParent, UINT Id, UINT x, UINT y, UINT w, UINT h, UINT imgType, LPTBBUTTON Buttons, UINT nButtons, DWORD Style, DWORD ExStyle)
WORD RebarBandInfoSize ()

Class Documentation

◆ _fp32u

union _fp32u

Definition at line 164 of file UserUtil.cpp.

Class Members
long i
float f

◆ _fp64u

union _fp64u

Definition at line 169 of file UserUtil.cpp.

Class Members
long i[2]
INT64 i64
double d

Macro Definition Documentation


#define _MAX_DBGMSG_   512 /* Equal to kernel debugger message buffer size */

Definition at line 257 of file UserUtil.cpp.


#define MB_SYSICONMASK   0x00000070L

Definition at line 301 of file UserUtil.cpp.


#define MB_ICONMASK   0x000000F0L

Definition at line 303 of file UserUtil.cpp.


#define MB_USERICON   0x00000080L

Definition at line 304 of file UserUtil.cpp.


#define COMBO_LISTCLASS   _T("ComboLBox")

Definition at line 1207 of file UserUtil.cpp.


#define COMBO_EDITCLASS   _T("Edit")

Definition at line 1208 of file UserUtil.cpp.

Typedef Documentation

◆ PMsgBoxParams

Definition at line 326 of file UserUtil.cpp.

Function Documentation

◆ LoadCustomResource()

PVOID WINAPI LoadCustomResource ( HMODULE  hModule,
CSTR  Type,
UINT *  pSize 

Definition at line 840 of file UserUtil.cpp.

◆ LoadCustomResourceEx()

PVOID WINAPI LoadCustomResourceEx ( HMODULE  hModule,
CSTR  Type,
LANGID Language  ,
UINT *  pSize 

Definition at line 851 of file UserUtil.cpp.