uLib  User mode C/C++ extended API library for Win32 programmers.
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 1234]
 Generic Types and FunctionsType definitions, globals, macros, constants, and common functions.
#include <uLib/Common.h>
 Parameter Annotation
 Global Variables
 Fundamental Datatypes
 S.E.H Supplements
 Byte Order Swappers
 Integer Bit Rotation
 Windows Version Checking
 Arithmetic Supplements
 Call Types
 Defined Constants and Composites
 Undocumented Messages
 Common Characters
 Control Characters
 Debugging FunctionsFlexible debug output and system error messages.
#include <uLib/Debug.h>
 DPrint LevelsDPrint severity filtering thresholds..
 Conditional Debugging MacrosThese macros are active in _DEBUG builds, and voided in Release builds
 Dialog Template FunctionsDialog memory templates support.
#include <uLib/DlgPlate.h>
 Dynamic ArraysUnsorted and Sorted dynamic arrays (of pointers).
#include <uLib/DynArray.h>
 File/Directory Hierarchial ListsFast and flexible list-of-lists directory trees.
#include <uLib/FileDir.h>
 INI File SupportSimplifies and enhances the use of INI files.
#include <uLib/IniFile.h>
 Keyboard and Mouse Event EmulationEasy to use keyboard and mouse emulation.
#include <uLib/InputEmu.h>
 LARGE_INTEGER SupportLargeInt wrapper class for LARGE_INTEGER.
#include <uLib/LargeInt.h>
 Linked List Functions and ClassesDouble- and Single-linked lists.
#include <uLib/ListFunc.h> or <uLib/ListEx.h>
 Dynamic Memory AllocationThe mem_Nnn functions provide solid heap management.
#include <uLib/MemFunc.h>
 Page BuffersPage aligned virtual memory
 Physical Memory (AWE)Allocation of physical memory
 Native Function Support (NTDLL).DynaLinks and Supplements for native functions.
#include <uLib/NtFunc.h>
 InitializationModule and Object initialization
 Experimental and Supplementary API'sThese APIs are based on NTDLL functions
 Process Manager Functions_NtQueryInformationProcess et cetera..
 Object Manager Functions_NtQueryObject et cetera..
 Executive Functions_NtQuerySystemInformation et cetera..
 Kernel Functions_NtYieldExecution et cetera..
 Kernel Debugger Functions_NtSystemDebugControl et cetera..
 User-Mode Kernel Debugging Functions_NtDebugActiveProcess et cetera..
 Input/Output Manager Functions_NtCreateFile et cetera..
 Loader Functions_LdrEnumResources et cetera..
 Memory Manager Functions_NtAllocateUserPhysicalPages et cetera..
 Security Subsystem Functions_NtOpenProcessToken et cetera..
 Runtime Library FunctionsNative runtime library functions
 Registry Support FunctionsSupplements to the advapi32 registry functions.
#include <uLib/RegFunc.h>
 TrueType Resource SupportThis module supports embedded TrueType font resources.
#include <uLib/ResFont.h>
 TrueType Font File StructPartial declarations for the TTF file format
 RingBuffer SupportCircular buffers for arbitrary heterogenous content.
#include <uLib/RingBuffer.h>
 Standard Dialog SupportSystem standard dialog wrapper classes.
#include <uLib/StdDlg.h>
 String FunctionsAdditional string functions and classes.
#include <uLib/StrFunc.h>
 String Allocation and Duplication
 MultiByte Translations
 Resource Strings
 Special String Functions
 GUID Strings
 Synchronization ObjectsClass wrappers for the IPC sync object APIs.
#include <uLib/SyncObj.h>
 System ImageList SupportAccess the system image lists (the hard-core way).
#include <uLib/SysImgList.h>
 Ternary Raster OperationsReverse polish mnemonics for all GDI raster ops.
#include <uLib/TernaryOp.h>
 Destination unary operations
 Source unary operations
 Pattern unary operations
 Destination/Source binary operations
 Destination/Pattern binary operations
 Pattern/Destination binary operations
 Source/Pattern binary operations
 Pattern/Source binary operations
 Destination/Pattern/Source ternary operations
 Destination/Source/Pattern ternary operations
 Source/Destination/Pattern ternary operations
 Complex ternary operations (Source primary)
 Complex ternary operations (Pattern primary)
 Thread ClassesSpecial classes for multi-threading. #include <uLib/Thread.h>
 UserMode LSA SupportProvide LSA access for applications.
#include <uLib/UmLsa.h>
 Supplementary uLib APIs
 Local User Group Lists
 Account Object APIs
 Policy Object APIs
 Local Trusted Domain Object APIs
 Secret Object APIs
 Privilege Object APIs
 APIs for NT 4.0 (SUR release)
 Security System Access Flags.
 Policy Data and Flags
 Utility FunctionsSupplementary APIs to aid Win32 programming.
#include <uLib/UtilFunc.h>
 Fundamental Type Operations
 Rectangle Support
 Supplementary Shell APIs
 Authorization Support
 Supplementary Kernel32 APIs
 Supplementary User32 APIs
 Supplementary WinGDI APIs
 Supplementary I/O APIs
 Version String EnumerationEasy enumeration of version info string blocks.
#include <uLib/VerInfo.h>